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Your Future … Your Farm … join in the discussion

25th January 2018

Farmers and rural business owners are invited to next month’s ‘Your Future, Your Farm’ event, which will see Richard Corbett, a partner with Roger Parry & Partners, join a panel of experts imparting advice on topics such as diversification, succession planning and other options for the future of farming businesses.

Members of the audience will be able to listen to the discussions and ask their own questions at the end of the event. Attendance is free of charge and will be held on Thursday, 15 February 2018 at Welshpool Livestock Sales, Buttington, near Welshpool, starting at 6.30pm. A free buffet will be held after the discussions and a cash bar will be open.

Roger Parry & Partners’ Richard Corbett said, “The audience will be a ‘fly on the wall’ to discussions between Stephen Kenyon, senior agent at NFU Mutual Welshpool and the panel of experts. Hopefully farmers and rural business owners will find it a very interesting evening being able to listen to advice from professionals, who deal with these types of issues on a day-to-day basis.”
Richard will be joined on the panel by Colin Jones of Whittingham Riddell Accountants, Adrian Jones of Barclays Bank and Ed Burrell from Lanyon Bowdler solicitors.

Richard added, “Between us we have a great deal of experience in working with the farming community and helping to resolve issues which can be complicated and very involved.”

Representing local farmers for the discussion will be Stephen Kenyon from NFU Mutual Welshpool. He will be putting forward some challenging questions to the panel about the different types of diversification, making tax digital and cyber fraud.

Brian Evans, Managing Partner and Head of Lanyon Bowdler’s agricultural law team, said, “The evening is ideal for farmers operating a business of any size and anyone attending is almost certainly going to hear something which they will find useful and helpful to their particular circumstances. We have staged this style of event before and it proved very popular so we are asking anyone interested in coming along to book their place.”

The deadline for booking is Friday, 9 February 2018 and anyone wishing to book is being asked to contact Kathy Griffiths on 01743 273273 or visit: