Mercian House,
9 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AL
The Estates Office,
20 Salop Road,
Oswestry SY11 2NU
28th March 2017
The land is conveniently located adjacent to the B4387 with good access to the adopted highway and the local towns of Shrewsbury and Welshpool.
LOT 1: There are 72.2 acres of mixed flat and undulating grassland land, situated in an accessible location. There is direct access to the land from the adopted highway. The fields are all stock proof with hedge and stock proof fencing.
LOT 2: There are 38.39 acres of arable land split into four fields, two of which are currently potato stubble and two cereal stubble.
The land is currently entered into an HLS agreement, and the tenant will be required to farm the land in compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement with Natural England. The BPS is to be reserved by the landlord.