Latest News / Professional

Woodland Grant Scheme – England

12th September 2018

The Woodland Creation Grant is now open for applications in England. The scheme is based on one-off payments for a series of capital grants for tree planting and associated tree protection items. If successful, the applicant will have 2 years to complete the capital works and a further 3 months to make their final payment claim for items.

Capital Items Available

  Tree Planting
  Individual Tree Shelter
  Sheep Netting
  Rabbit Fencing Supplement
  Fencing supplement – difficult site
  Deer Fencing
  Wooden field gate or wooden wings
  Badger gate
  Water gates
  Top Wiring – Stone Wall
  Small Leaky Woody Dam (1-3m)

The minimum area of land to be included in an application must be at least 1ha with planting rate of 400 trees per ha. The maximum payment an applicant can apply for is capped at £6,800 per ha.

To be eligible, the land must not already by under a Rural Development Programme. The land used for planting will need to be identified as non-agricultural with the RPA but will still be eligible for BPS payments.

If you would like guidance on putting a scheme together, please contact your nearest office for advice.