Latest News / Professional

The Story of a Planning Victory

7th October 2016

Gerallt Davies, Planning Consultant was pleased to have a planning decision overturned by the Planning Inspectorate this week.

At the very start of the process, Gerallt knew this wasn’t going to be a straight forward project. A proposal for 2 dwellings on the site was previously refused only 10 years ago, and Kynnersley was not identified as a sustainable settlement in the adopted plan, and therefore the presumption was against any open market housing in Kynnersley.

Gerallt however, disagreed with Telford’s restrictive housing policies, in restricting housing in rural areas to only 3 identified settlements. This was emphasised when applications were approved in Kynnersley for housing when the Council had a housing land supply shortage, and Officer’s stipulating that Kynnersley should be regarded as a sustainable location.

In light of the above, although Telford could now show a 5-year housing land supply, the application was submitted for 2 houses in the middle of the village on the premise that it conformed with the NPPF and that Telford’s policies were not made to conform with the NPPF.

The application unfortunately, but expectedly was refused by the department and committee. Gerallt however, still had hope for this scheme, and given the proposal identifiably conforming with the NPPF, there were huge merits in appealing this refused decision to the planning inspectorate.

Within the appeal submission, Gerallt had written a 26-page appeal statement, that explored numerous planning appeals and policy, which illustrated the site’s conformity with the planning objectives of the NPPF.

It became clear that the time and effort taken with this scheme had paid off, when the appeal decision was forwarded to us, confirming the appeal was allowed.

Full details of the decision can be found by following the link below: