Mercian House,
9 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AL
The Estates Office,
20 Salop Road,
Oswestry SY11 2NU
13th July 2018
The deadline to plant was 30th June, but this has now been extended to 15th August. This is a blanket derogation for the whole of Wales so no need to seek permission first, This will not affect your payment.
If you still think you’re not going to be able to plant then you can request not to undertake the option this year, You won’t get penalised, but you wont get your Glastir payment for the rootcrops either. Permission must be sought from RPW before 15th August.
In the rules you can’t harvest until 1st August. This has been brought forward to the 15th July for all farmers in Wales. no need to seek permission and this will not affect your payment.
Usually you must wait until 15th July to cut and remove the hay, but a derogation for the whole of Wales has been issued to allow cutting immediately. This will not affect your payment and no permission is needed.
The Welsh Government accepts that there is very little contract holders can do to alleviate this situation where farmers cannot meet the sward height requirements. With regards to Stocking Rates, farmers can request a derogation.
Farmers wanting take a late fodder crop from grazed Glastir
grassland options, or potentially dropping arable options, such as stubbles, for this year in order to establish a late grass ley can request a derogation
Farmers wanting to gather winter bedding, such as rushes from land under Glastir option can request a derogation and officials will consider what areas can be cut and gathered.
Farmers experiencing difficulties in sourcing water for livestock and wish to access water in stock excluded options, such as streamside corridors, should contact the Welsh Government to discuss a derogation.
All derogation requests must be made in writing to the Welsh Government or via the online RPW account. The requests should include full details, including field numbers and the options you require a derogation on.
If there are other requirements in your Glastir contract that you’re struggling to meet due to the recent weather you can contact RPW to request a derogation. These are considered on a case-by-case basis. It’s likely that you will have to forego payment on that particular option, but can do so without further penalty.
For further information and advice please contact Clare Williams on 01938 554499 or