Mercian House,
9 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AL
The Estates Office,
20 Salop Road,
Oswestry SY11 2NU
21st October 2020
Following the Welsh Government’s announcement of a ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown to tackle the spread of Covid19, the offices of Roger Parry & Partners in Welshpool and Llanidloes will close to the public at 5.30pm on Friday, 23 October for two weeks.
Although the two offices will have to close until Monday, 9 November, staff will still be available by phone and email for any queries and will continue to look after house sales leading up to completion. According to the lockdown rules valuations and viewings will not be possible in person but online viewings, in most instances, can continue as before.
Roger Parry said, “We want to reassure our clients that we will still be working and will be available on the phone or email to deal with any queries. Our offices in Oswestry, Shrewsbury and Minsterley will remain open by appointment only.”
The circuit breaker lockdown rules do allow house moves to continue where they cannot be delayed until after 9 November. The rules state that ‘associated activities, for example, removals processes, property preparation, handover of keys, surveys and valuations can also take place in line with guidance on working in other people’s homes.’ Surveys can take place externally and in unoccupied properties, but not in occupied properties.
Roger Parry added, “We will endeavour to make sure this lockdown does not impact on the sale of any client’s property and we will continue to liaise with them to address any queries.”
Following the re-opening of the housing market in the summer, after the first lockdown, house sales soared with the property marketing seeing a surge in demand.
Clare Williams, Associate in Roger Parry & Partners’ Llanidloes office, said, “The scale of the bounce back in the summer took us by surprise and brought hope for the region’s economic recovery post-coronavirus. One property we had on the market had 80 enquiries and sold well in excess of the guide price! We are seeing a real interest for village and country properties in mid Wales. With all the sales currently being agreed we are looking for more properties to bring to the market. We would advise anyone considering selling to contact us and not be discouraged by the short circuit breaker lockdown.”
For contact details of your local Roger Parry & Partners office visit the website: