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Should I apply for a Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier Scheme?

18th May 2023

This is the last year to apply for the Countryside Stewardship (CS) Mid Tier Scheme in this format. The Mid Tier offers a package of revenue and capital options suitable for farms over a whole farm/part farm basis therefore there is something suitable for everyone. The agreement will last for 5 years with a revenue claim being made every year, giving an annual income.

Revenue options include; grassland with low inputs, legume and herb-rich swards, organic conversion, buffers strips, over wintered stubbles, seasonal livestock removal and maintenance of traditional buildings.

Alongside the revenue options there is a wide range of capital options available. Boundary options include hedgerow coppicing, laying and planting. Fencing can be applied for alongside boundary options, to protect environmental features and to prevent water pollution. Various capital items are available to improve water quality including roofing, concreting, yard pipework and rainwater goods. Many of these items require Catchment Sensitive Farming approval which must be applied for by 9th June 2023 to allow CSF Officers time to visit farms to approve proposals.

The application window for Mid Tier applications is open now until 18th August 2023. Agreements will start on 1st January 2024. Amy Thomas, Chartered Surveyor says ‘we are advising all of our clients to apply for Mid Tier and/or SFI to bridge the gap for the income lost from the BPS. We are expecting more information about the new SFI options this summer, so keep your eyes peeled for an update!’

Contact you local office for further information:

Shrewsbury Head Office (Rural) – 01743 791336

Welshpool – 01938 554499

Oswestry – 01691 655334

Carmarthen – 07498 717778

Shrewsbury (Residential) – 01743 343343