Mercian House,
9 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AL
The Estates Office,
20 Salop Road,
Oswestry SY11 2NU
22nd July 2019
Roger Parry & Partners have welcomed a report published last week, which recommends Government regulates Estate & Lettings Agents in the United Kingdom.
Government proposed that property agents be regulated by an independent regulator, with mandatory qualifications and a code of practice. A working group was tasked with advising on how to make this proposition a reality. Last week the working group published its recommendations.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), of which Roger Parry and Partners are members, fed their views into the working group and were pleased that the report used a number of RICS’ recommendations.
Richard Corbett, Partner with Roger Parry & Partners said, “Like RICS, we welcome the report’s recommendations as we believe it will raise the bar across the sector and increase consumer trust. Together with RICS, we have long called for the consistent regulation of residential property agencies in the UK. If implemented well, making best use of the available resources, the recommendations will bring positive change and will increase public confidence in the sector – parts of which have been likened to the ‘wild west’.”
“Housing is central to the welfare of society, so ensuring consistent minimum standards across the sector for agents is vital to upholding the public interest. That’s why RICS and ourselves congratulate the working group for these sound recommendations.”
The Working Group’s report states: “We regard the regulation of property agents as a matter of great importance, with the potential to significantly improve consumers’ experience of renting, letting, leasehold, and the home buying and selling process. We commend the Government’s decision to take this concept forward and we now urge Government to make progress at pace with their proposals.
The Working Groups proposals to Government include:
More details on the Working Group’s report can be accessed here: