Mercian House,
9 Darwin Court, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5AL
The Estates Office,
20 Salop Road,
Oswestry SY11 2NU
The poor economy and uncertainty after Brexit has hit rural businesses and many are having to think outside the box to survive. Diversification projects have become increasingly common and it is said that more than half the farming businesses in England have diversified in some form and in some cases the ventures have been so successful that they have overtaken the farming income. It’s not all about tourism either, businesses are now branching out into more niche products such as essential oil crops, wildflowers, knitwear, llamas and ostriches, whilst others chose to add value to more traditional farming produce such as ice cream and cheese. With the right advice, from what started as an idea over a cup of coffee can become a feasible and achievable business venture.
We have a team of professionals who are able to offer independent advice and who enjoy achieving success for clients. We have sound local knowledge and make sure that we are at the cutting edge of legal developments and government policy to ensure that our advice will always keep clients at the forefront of the planning process and grant availability.
Below are some examples of successful diversification enterprises we have had involvement in: